Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hw 34-The Cool Pose and Various Approaches..

When it comes to the word "cool" depending where you grow up it means something different especially with race and gender. When it comes to whole trying to be gangster and trying to be "white" i feel like those roles switch between different races. For instance, a white person will try to act all "tough-like and sag their pants" trying to be like a black person because that is considered "cool" or the black person will dress preppy talk in a "white form" and then considered an oreo but to them its "cool". It all depends where you come from in your community. I know like kids who travel from uptown to downtown manhattan try to dress more "nicer" or have a different look from where they actually from because its cool. For example like if your a black african american wearing a marmot jacket and some ACG boots you know off the bat "oh that person is from Harlem" the people might not want to be portrayed as that so they change their outer apperance to fit in with others.

In class when we talked about the cultural maps i thought everything was true. We try to fit these maps based off our parents or our surroundings. In one view, if you are a hispanic/black kid trying to attend school just getting by being pushed by parents to go to college at the same time getting made fun of by those same people within your community is that really "cool?" Some cultural maps do not work in other cultural maps. Its like we are slaves in our very own cultural map. I remeber in class when Andy talked about Asians kids being told they have to go to school and be this and be that and not talk or interact with the black kids because they are a bad infulence but in that kind of place it not so "cool" to do that. So what should we really follow?

I think that the paths of coolness that is leading us down is trying to follow that same cultural map that we are so used to and then trying to fit it in a new environment at the same time doing what we think is "cool" ourselves. Its just impossible. Both aspects collide. I do not think we should blame the people making us do this stupid shit because i think it does not provide us to think for ourselves. When it comes to myself and my cultural its been the same in my family go to school, go to college and be successful. Thats what i've been told i feel like it will never changed although i think that as the years go we are just trying to make these maps better.

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