Monday, February 22, 2010

Hw#41 and Hw#42
This talks about the comparison between public schools and private schools. In one part it says "Is it like comparing apples and oranges — two different things that can't be fairly held to the same standards?" i agree they are different but at the same time they can be held at the same standards also.

This was talking about mostly the pros and cons of standardized testing taking for students. In one part of the text it said how the test were bias and i agree to that. Also it talks about how students feel pressure and have many different emotions which is true because the test has a big impact on us and its annoying. Its true that the bottom line is about money more money "better education" which is so wack to me why does it have to be like that.

This one talked how in school especially high school that teachers do not really teach us the life skills in life that we need as kids kind of like guiding. It seems like in America today we are catching up like we are suppose to, kind of rust such as getting ahead of the game. One of the 5 things that the person said what talking about personal finance which i agree with because lots of time coming out of highschool kids deal with money issues trying to go to college and things like that and schools should talk about it more.

I want to know the differences between public schools and private schools and the different aspects that they carry such as the curriculm. I also want to know about the special kinds of schools since i am reading The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time and see how it relates to each other also how its different from regular school.

I member attending middle school (Kipp Star College Prep Charter School) and then coming to School of the Future it was so different. Coming from a charter school, they recieved a lot of money extra special activites and getting acknowledge and then coming to SOF it was totally different, how it is really that much different. Why is that both schools cannot recieve the same thing.

*Going to add more kind of stuck any ideas?

Friday, February 19, 2010

Hw#40-School Interviews x5& Synthesis

Chris Arroyo

Q:Do you think the hours of school is enough?why?

A:Uhmm, i think the hours are substantial, they're not long and their not short. I mean  they could be longer but its equal hours for each class.

Q:Do you think kids should be based on a letter/number grade why or why not?

A: I mean it might not show how bright the student is but shows the effort the kids put in their work to get the grade, so i think they should be based on letter grades, as the concept is you get what you earn.

Q:Do  you think teachers take advantages of their placement?

A: Uhmm, I think at times they may, but they have that superior power their students, it really in my opinion depends on the matter at hand.

Tommy Healy

Q:Do you think the school like a prison? Why or why not?

A:No, i don't think its like a prison because  its not a form of punishment its actually to help better yourself for the future.

Q:When you hear the word school what do you think of and why?

A:Uhmm homework that i didn't do lol. Because i am too lazy.

Yarelyn Mena

Q: How do you feel about the teachers  in your school? Do you like them/do you dislike them?

A:They teach good money. It doesn't go much further than that. I don't really know most of my teachers besides the way they teach you know? like some connect much with their students.

Q:Is there anyway we could improve the school system? How?

A:More students togetherness lol. I don't know how to say it. Like more things where the whole grade could be mad cool.

Q:Would you like school if you more successful at it? Why or why not?

A: I already like it, i feel like I'm pretty successful at it now because I'm happy with my grades and what not.

Edward (Dad)

Q:Would you like school if you more successful at it? Why or why not?

A:I guess  yes, it would encourage me to do better of course. I would know what i was doing.

Q:Do you think kids should be based on a letter/number grade why or why not?

A:I like numbers, they are more accurate, i don't think grades should be eliminated because how you suppose to know if they know what they are assessing.

Q:Does school teach you more than life experiences?

A:Its a different type of learning school, school learning and when you go outside its street learning should know both.

Part B:
Most of the people i interviewed felt we should have grades to assess them none thought they we shouldn't eliminate them. I thought at least one person would want to eliminate grades but it didn't happen. I noticed that when i asked my dad who did good in school but as well said he would like school more if he was successful at it and my friend Yarelyn feels she is doing well because she is getting good grades. One thing i find interesting about the concept of school is the actual school experience and the fact that if were more successful in school such as getting good grades and not getting trouble kids would like it more but unfortunately it is not. 

Monday, February 8, 2010

Hw#39-First School Assignment

Part A:

1.)Why is school so overrated?
2.)Why does a grade determine everything?
3.)Why are we all split up into different groups what is the point?

1.)If you get "good" grades, you go to a "good" college, and get a "good" job.
2.) School is a dog eat dog world and kind of competitive especially with different people in school trying to fit in and some aspects like that.
3.) Kids are all just a number.

1.) Getting told pointless things told to me by the teacher but at the same time my work is always completed and i get high grades.
2.) My friends getting in trouble for no reason and getting a huge consequence.
3.) Being exposed to so many different cultures and different kinds of personalities.

Part B:

One aspect of school that really kills me is the teachers. I hate the fact that they think because they have higher authority that they "think they can rule the rest of us like little kids which is unfair. Back in the day, in some schools teachers were allowed to hit students. That's really bizarre. I would be damned if a teacher laid a hand on me. Personally i think that some teachers abuse their right as a teacher and just play with it.

I remember one time the teacher manipulated a student, so she would confess to something about someone else which i find to be cruel. The teacher has no right to do that what so ever. Its just a way to beat the system. Punishments are another thing such as suspension and expulsion. A kid could do the slightest thing especially in SOF and get suspended which i find to be dumb. The smallest thing with the biggest consequence. I feel like they do certain things to just get the kids out of their hair and not have anything to worry about.

Hw#38 Art Project

 From my art project, i want people to see that the picture is representing the emptiness people have and how we cover each other faces that is the reason i colored the people's faces all black, showing the protection and how there is nothing there. I also put what i would call curtains on the side of each paper and a stage to show how we perform because the image of "cool" is all an act. We have to look, play, and the be the part. Another reason i colored all the faces black to show that we all the same we are not really that different. Each and every one of us are trying to portray "COOL".

At first, i did not really know what to do. I wanted to have different people with different images of cool but i thought it was too simple. So i decided put a whole different elements into one picture. I wanted to put emptiness, protecting each other's faces, and how we perform the role "cool". Also the colors i wanted the word "cool" to be bright yellow to make it stand out and be noticed which is what "cool"does.

I think that art is cool in a way that you can create anything you want and allowing you to express yourself thru painting, sculpture, drawing, and other things. You can  make anything you want and its never wrong. I think it brings out the creative side of everybody no matter who your are.