Monday, February 22, 2010

Hw#41 and Hw#42
This talks about the comparison between public schools and private schools. In one part it says "Is it like comparing apples and oranges — two different things that can't be fairly held to the same standards?" i agree they are different but at the same time they can be held at the same standards also.

This was talking about mostly the pros and cons of standardized testing taking for students. In one part of the text it said how the test were bias and i agree to that. Also it talks about how students feel pressure and have many different emotions which is true because the test has a big impact on us and its annoying. Its true that the bottom line is about money more money "better education" which is so wack to me why does it have to be like that.

This one talked how in school especially high school that teachers do not really teach us the life skills in life that we need as kids kind of like guiding. It seems like in America today we are catching up like we are suppose to, kind of rust such as getting ahead of the game. One of the 5 things that the person said what talking about personal finance which i agree with because lots of time coming out of highschool kids deal with money issues trying to go to college and things like that and schools should talk about it more.

I want to know the differences between public schools and private schools and the different aspects that they carry such as the curriculm. I also want to know about the special kinds of schools since i am reading The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time and see how it relates to each other also how its different from regular school.

I member attending middle school (Kipp Star College Prep Charter School) and then coming to School of the Future it was so different. Coming from a charter school, they recieved a lot of money extra special activites and getting acknowledge and then coming to SOF it was totally different, how it is really that much different. Why is that both schools cannot recieve the same thing.

*Going to add more kind of stuck any ideas?

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