Monday, April 19, 2010


6 Lessons

Gatto is saying why bother with school. I think he is saying its like a prison just to tame children. He does not believe in typical teaching that is done in school. He says that the school system messes up our kids and why should they be put in a place they do not like or truly enjoy. Also being forced to learn things they do not want to learn. We are basically prisoners in our own homes and we simply just follow rules like slaves. Gatto does not believe in the school system he believes the opposite of the school system. In this article he puts the school system in 6 different components in what they go by.

I agree with Gatto i think that schools are very robotic "do this, do that". Teachers are the enforcers and we have to listen what they say because they "have the upper hand which i think is kind of unfair. I like Gatto teaching how he opposes the school system. I think it is kind of interesting. "In any case, again, that's not my business. My job is to make the kids like it -- being locked in together, I mean -- or at the minimum, endure it. If things go well, the kids can't imagine themselves anywhere else; they envy and fear the better classes and have contempt for the dumber classes. So the class mostly keeps itself in good marching order. That's the real lesson of any rigged competition like school. You come to know your place." I believe this is true you are below the teacher and you do as you are told.

Pedagogy of the Oppressed

He is saying that education is just memorization. The students just memorize things and repeat it from the teachers they learn it from. Also that they are not actually fully developing any learning skills just the basic four times four is sixteen but is it really? He also says that the student is a slave towards the teacher giving the teacher existence and silent themselves not knowing that the teacher is learning from them.

I agree with Paulo on some level i think the way teacher teach are just a process of memorizing things and repeating it over and over again. "Education thus becomes an act of depositing, in which the students are the depositories and the teacher is the depositor. Instead of communicating, the teacher issues communiques and makes deposits which the students patiently receive, memorize, and repeat. This is the “banking” concept of education, in which the scope of action allowed to the students extends only as far as receiving, filing, and storing the deposits. They do, it is true, have the opportunity to become collectors or cataloguers of the things they store." This whole paragraph i agree with we are collectors collecting information and we save it but there is not is not a "WOW" factor and its misleading us.

Interview with Lisa Delpit

In the article Lisa Delpit is talking about finding the brilliance in the students no matter what kind of background they come from. If you judge them from they come from how are you going to teach them and make them better. She wants to provide urban kids to have a opportunity to show their brilliance to the world and what they can accomplish. She also says that the art department can help these children and can open doors for them. This can expose them to poetry and other things can appeal to the children.

I agree with Lisa, i think it is a good idea to give children in the urban communities a chance to better themselves when the people and neighborhood around them may not be doing the same. It reminds me of my old middle school Kipp Star who gave me and other of my fellow classmates to learn above and beyond and experience college experiences and being exposed to new ideas just like the arts that Lisa Delpit was talking about. "I think teachers must believe in their children’s brilliance. If teachers make judgments only according to the tests being inflicted on the children by the schools, then they can misunderstand their children's brilliance. The biggest thing is that despite what you have read or been told about these children that may indicate otherwise, these children carry a brilliance that you have little access to. You have to figure out how to bring that brilliance out. I don't think we do a good enough job of showing teachers how to uncover the children's strengths" i agree with this and i believe its true, its kind of judging a book by its cover.

Mr.Fanning Speech

Mr.Fanning was talking about the basic structure of School of the Future and how its an liberal arts school. He said SOF embodies students as individuals learn social skills. He talked about juniors to pull up their grades because the seniors were going downhill. Right now grades are not good and students are failing.

I think what Mr.Fanning said is true and that as a school we need to pull ourselves together and get better grades. Lots of kids today are not doing what they should be doing and do not have their priority straight.

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