Monday, April 26, 2010


School as a whole is a great place to get an education to farther on in life and even if you struggle with something that you have to keep trying in order to succeed because if you dont then you will not go anywhere but at the same time what does school really offer with overbearing teachers and following rules. Personally i think that school has it downfalls and good points about it. For example, in Obama speech about school he talked about kids in schools should take on responsibitiles to try in school to get what they want in life even if it means to fail a thousand times just keep going. Nothing comes easy with just getting by in order to achieve or what me as a student being told you have to get an education.

Obama and the woman that Bob Herbert was talking about Deborah Kenny views are very similar and i think its possible but in order to succeed to the top you must start at the bottom, do not try for the impossible. To elaborate i feel that just saying "well lets try hard and get to top" will not have people say that if schools did X, every kid in the US would have a better future, less racism, less poverty, more creativity, be skinnier, love poetry, better gender training because that is not true. Many believe that school is the key to everything and will open doors in some cases no in other yes. I feel like people such as Obama and other put too much emphasis on school as if its kind of like "god" and they are wrong. Over the years i think school is not what it is and things change.

Connecting back to the movie Freedom Writers, one of the students (Mario Barrett) he told the teacher why he should respect her because she has teacher written across her head just because she has the upperhand and domination. School is a place for kids to be bullied by people older then them teaching unneccesary things. In school kids just get pushed around like little slaves. "School" is an essential support system for a vision of social engineering that condemns most people to be subordinate stones in a pyramid that narrows to a control point as it ascends. "School" is an artifice which makes such a pyramidal social order seem inevitable (although such a premise is a fundamental betrayal of the American Revolution)."

Sometimes it seems that school is just a trap for kids. Some people may think its like a training camp to do this this and that. Like in the article about training youth for capitalism they said "Go to school and get good grades, so you can get a good high-paying job." In simpler terms that means, "Go to school to become a good employee." I believe school is beneficial to the government to make money and make future teens puppets to themselves. Students are just being trained to be another employee not a better day for tomorrow that is what i believe or what i've been seeing for the past few years.

I agree with Gatto, i think that school is there should be a different school system (well the way he teaches). Why go to school? will it really help succeed in the future if i do not want to this with my career. We are stuck in these schools for 8 hours to learn things that do not have our interest at the same time is boredom. "Basically if you go to school, you suppose to get a good education, good job, and It only takes about 50 contact hours to transmit basic literacy and math skills well enough that kids can be self-teachers from then on. The cry for "basic skills" practice is a smokescreen behind which schools pre-empt the time of children for twelve years and teach them the six lessons I've just taught you." This statement i find to be very true why spend all these hours that will take the mininmium.

School i feel is a place kind of like a church trying to conform your beliefs and do something you do not believe in or things you feel are unneccessary for your life. Larche said "schools really are: laboratories of experimentation on young minds, drill centers for the habits and attitudes that corporate society demands.” This is why we all go to school and is why society wants us to go to school. School is a trap and we can’t escape it, we have to join the institution or it will find us.Schools are nothing more than a part of a system of oppression that keeps us down" i agree thats is all we done we like repeating little robots and do what society "thinks is right for the future" or better for themselves.

I think that school is a whole is salvation and its all we know at the same time why stick with something we known and try something different. I think that we should try Gatto idea and see how it plays put in other schools in different areas. There must be a reason he has won this award multiple times not just once. Who knows what we could accomplish with new ideas as we did with technology and look where it has us now. Maybe it can make us better as a whole in the world.

Overall i think school has good apsects to it such as getting the proper learning skills and learning tools to succeed but at the same time would this really actually help me? I think that not all the things we learned in school are not needed in the everyday life and we would need them when we get older.

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