Monday, May 3, 2010

Hw#52-Intital Theories of Human Relationships

One theory that i grew up with is, is that family always comes first no matter what. No matter what family is always going to be there for you not just friends. It's kind of like your obligated to your family and to always have their back. I think specifically in hispanic culture they try to keep their family very close to them. They are very family orientated. I do not really understand why in the hispanic culture we are so much trying to be "one for all and all for one". The theory of having family come first, i like it in a way that you create a close bond with your siblings and other family members that you can't create with just ordinary people.

A theory that i live by is Live. Life. Love because you should live your life to the fullest and enjoy it. People should not worry about the bad things in life but cherish the good ones and laugh it off. I feel like this relates to teenagers a lot because you don't want to worry about nothing but having fun and doing what you want to do to enjoy life. Lots of people say that you should live your life to be successful and do what you want to do. People want to picture their life with the ideal family perfect job and nice living circumstances but that does not always happen.

When it comes to love, i feel like it can be broken down into many different things. They say you find one soul mate in your life time. I think that it is true because their only one person out there for you. On the other hand i think that there is no such thing as love at first sight because that is very misleading to people and not everybody you meet or like your not going to end up with. In a typical boyfriend girlfriend relationship that we created in our society is that the male is suppose to take out the female out, give her flowers, and tell her how beautiful she is everyday but why?

When it comes to friendship i think that its pretty simple. In a friendship you should always be loyal and have their back as you do with family. The most common theory on friendship is being there for the person no matter what and being that shoulder to cry on. In society we made so if you dont have a family of your own thats why you create friends and make a new one especially when kids go to school creating new bonds that are different from family. As the same time why is that those supposedly "friends" of ours backstab each other and mistreat one another thats not family or is it?
A common theory that we all have been taught is if you want respect you have to give and that do to others they way you would want to be treated but i think that doesn't work all the time so what is the point? Some of theses theories that we leave by i think is a lot of bull because not all of them work and we don't always follow thru with it. Other times those theories just seem to fall into place in what we might be going thru especially life in general.

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