Wednesday, September 30, 2009

HW#8-Comment on Triangle Partners' Video Project


I appreciated your video i thought it was funny. I liked how you realized that you were not yourself mentally but you were there physically. You did not show any emotions and you were doing things physically that had nothing to do with reality. I can connect this to my video because i did the same thing, i looked like a zombie and blocking out the real world. Maybe next time you can expand your ideas and elaborate why you they should play in moderation. Also would you want your younger siblings doing this or your future children. Looking at your video made me think twice of playing video games for a long period time or digital things period. I never realized doing things like this can get you so hypnotized. I hope to read more of your ideas and watch more of your videos. Good Job!


I liked your video it was very interesting and similar to mines. The video shows that you were very hypotonized while you multitasking with all these different digital devices. You became lifeless and like a zombie who dont have brains. This connects also i believe to others and myself because we were so focused on the digital device and not paying attention what is in front, back or what is going on around us. I aggreed with you when you talked about who the WII that it prevents people from playing sports physically. Whats the point of sports then if you can play outside? Watching your video makes me more self-consicious of who i look when im doing things digtially. Great job on your video! I hope to see more.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


When i was watching my video i looked like a zombie and i did not hav that much face expressions or emotions. I never realized how digital media really effect me and how when im using a computer how its like a spell is put on me. It seems like im lifeless also since i dont show any type of feelings like i do when im outside doing physical things like in school or with my friends. I would not want my little sister to be doing this because it can get really addicting and it doesnt do anything postive for yourself except maybe get frustrated or make your eyes get tired from watching a screen for so long.

On the other hand i woudlnt mind them being on the computer just not on it for a great amount of time they it natural for them. When it comes to the Wii's becoming more stark i think its just a bunch of BS because they make a seem like "you buy this and lose weight oh my god its so healthy for you" they just want you to buy the product. No matter what its still a video game system just like the PS3 and XBOX 360. Instead of playing these sports outside in fresh air it seems your obligated to place indoors on a screen.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


My dad said....

"My view on digital world is i like the digital world it is connivance, you can shop and do your banking but then i think that it makes you lazy and use no skills. You go on a computer and it solves your problems. It is getting to the point where we depend on ti so much. I also do not like it cause people can track you down and it is accessible."

Stranger#1 said....

"Uh, bad for our community widens global community but alienates our smaller community."

Stranger#2 said....

"I didn't have a clue it goes fast. I think it is good because it improves the quality of life, makes it easier. I think that the downside it takes over your life. There's good and bad for everything."

Stranger#3 said....

"I really don't know what to say."

Stranger#4 said....

"It changed the world, changed in good and bad. Good because wonderful things to contempt to the world. Only had newspapers and channels. Bad because insane and crazy ideas."

Stranger#5 said....

"I don't think technology evolved so quickly. I spend hours on the phone. Oh my god! I have an iPhone, I'm on it all day."

Aisatou said....

"Like its a must ever hour of the day I'm on the phone. i think technology evolved quickly because a new ipod and an new sidekick comes out and people want it. i don't think its good for us because it kind of a uniform thing people trying to wear their best outfit and be cool and popular. When they come with this new devices they feel they have buy them to be down."

Thursday, September 17, 2009

HW 4 - Triangular Comments 1

I appreciate how you talked about how maybe two possibilities why people use digital things. People are addicted to the digital world and don't even know it. A lot of these days i see little kids with high tech cellphones who do not even need it and my sister who is only 5 years spend time on the computer too sometimes even longer than me. It would be a good idea to expand more on your thoughts next time and be more specific on how people are so addicted to the digital world. I was wondering you say people are addicted to the digital world how addicted are you and does it affect you? It was great reading your blog and hope to read more.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Leah pp on digital media

What makes people so addicted to digital media? We seem to forget how to actually meet people and interacting and instead on the Internet you add whoever you want and become friends. With cellphones you can constantly text someone and keep in contact instead of physically seeing them. Its just easier. I think that the digital world is just an excuse for people to be lazy. What will happen when companies run of out ideas? I think people forget how this whole started. For example on my space some of people's personality are so shady. They might add a girl/guy just because they are exposing their body and are quickly "friends" with them. The person in real life might not even look as good or have a great personality. Will this ever come to an end? Will people realize it sort of taking over them without knowing it?