Sunday, September 27, 2009


When i was watching my video i looked like a zombie and i did not hav that much face expressions or emotions. I never realized how digital media really effect me and how when im using a computer how its like a spell is put on me. It seems like im lifeless also since i dont show any type of feelings like i do when im outside doing physical things like in school or with my friends. I would not want my little sister to be doing this because it can get really addicting and it doesnt do anything postive for yourself except maybe get frustrated or make your eyes get tired from watching a screen for so long.

On the other hand i woudlnt mind them being on the computer just not on it for a great amount of time they it natural for them. When it comes to the Wii's becoming more stark i think its just a bunch of BS because they make a seem like "you buy this and lose weight oh my god its so healthy for you" they just want you to buy the product. No matter what its still a video game system just like the PS3 and XBOX 360. Instead of playing these sports outside in fresh air it seems your obligated to place indoors on a screen.


  1. I appreciated your video. I liked how you described yourself as a zombie. I thought that it was an accurate way of describing the way you looked. I thought it was pretty funny.

    it was interesting to me how you said that it was like a soell was casted on you. I undwerstood how you felt becasue sometimes that happens to me when I am sort of zoning out and i don't take anyone's words into consideration. It's like i am in another world.

    I can connect this to stephanies video about her playing video games. I thought both of you guys described yoursel in a away that made it seem like you guys were sort of hypnotized.It was a common thing with most videos that I saw.

    Maybe if we do this video project again, next time record yourself maybe doing another digital activity. I would be interesting to compare and contrast the way that you act on the computer versus like you playing video games.

    Your post made me consider how I view my own life and the ways that I get angry when somethin digital breaks or gets lost. Also how when these devices work the way I want them too, I become enslaved by it.

    I enjoyed your post and hope to see more videos in the future.

  2. I liked how you you and i had similar views and where on the same page on how people are digitally attached. Your point on how i should have done another digital activity was useful to me because i think it would hav expanded my ideas and maybe show different facial expressions. I think that a lot of people are the same when it comes to doing things digtially they lose focus on other things. Also a lot of people just tend to use digital devices for no personal reason just simply because they have nothing else to do. Both of us have similar ideas on how digtital devices make us feel. Also how we was addicted to them.

  3. You don't have a video so i am going to comment what you said about your video.

    It's funny how you thought you looked like a zombie and then you commented on my video and also thought i looked like a zombie. It seems like when ever someone is interacting with technology they just concentrate on that instead of the normal things we do.

    Your main idea of how we get so inhanced into digital media that we become lifeless is very important. I agree with you that we do become lifeless and its like were not even in our own state of mind or body...Thats why i think everything should be done in moderation.

    You should have tried to put your video up so i could have connected to it more and see what you meant by "zombie" but overall i like how you analysied your own actions.

    I cant wait to read/see more of you blogs.

  4. I appreciated what you had to say about my thoughts which helped me know you understood where i was coming from.

    I understood that maybe if i was able to put my video up under technical diffculties there would be more to talk about and understand why people become so involved into their digital devices.

    Its funny how in almost everybody's video they were not in their own state of mind. I wonder why everybody has the same face expressions?

    You and I both agree that things should be done in moderation and that people become very lifeless when using digital media.

    Its like their soul leaves their body and only their body is there physically. Why is that? Is it addiction or just the attraction digital media has for people?
