Wednesday, September 30, 2009

HW#8-Comment on Triangle Partners' Video Project


I appreciated your video i thought it was funny. I liked how you realized that you were not yourself mentally but you were there physically. You did not show any emotions and you were doing things physically that had nothing to do with reality. I can connect this to my video because i did the same thing, i looked like a zombie and blocking out the real world. Maybe next time you can expand your ideas and elaborate why you they should play in moderation. Also would you want your younger siblings doing this or your future children. Looking at your video made me think twice of playing video games for a long period time or digital things period. I never realized doing things like this can get you so hypnotized. I hope to read more of your ideas and watch more of your videos. Good Job!


I liked your video it was very interesting and similar to mines. The video shows that you were very hypotonized while you multitasking with all these different digital devices. You became lifeless and like a zombie who dont have brains. This connects also i believe to others and myself because we were so focused on the digital device and not paying attention what is in front, back or what is going on around us. I aggreed with you when you talked about who the WII that it prevents people from playing sports physically. Whats the point of sports then if you can play outside? Watching your video makes me more self-consicious of who i look when im doing things digtially. Great job on your video! I hope to see more.

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