Monday, October 26, 2009

Hw 15-ABCDEF 3- Treasure Hunting

Dear Mi Amor,

After reading your thoughts on the book Feed i found it very interesting. Your tone of your writing was great and i liked the overall meaning you were trying to explain. I think you are a good writer. I liked how you connected Feed back onto the real world and showed how they were very similar to today.

Feed to us is our blue tooth we talk to it and communicate with it just like Titus does and so does the rest of the characters. Its a digital connection with no emotions. Feed connects to the way teenagers act today, they want the latest technology and get sucked into this digital world. The author is awaring us that we are socially dumb and how Titus is a perfect example of this.

This connects to my lifestyle a little bit because the digital world has a big effect on me. I feel so attached to it just as Titus does with his Feed. Its so distracting and its something you cannot let go of. This also reminds me of my cousin who spends so many hours on AIM no matter what is going on in his surroundings its as if the sidekick is glued to his hand. The digital world can corrupt your mind.

Next time you might want to proofread your work and make sure you spell the words correctly.

One question i have is do you actually feel socially dumb or offended by what he author wrote in Feed? In what ways is this actually good? Why or why not?

Thanks, it was great reading your ideas. Hope you enjoyed mines! =-)

Dear Matt,

Wow i really liked this post of yours. I thought it was cool and exciting the way you described how you played the games. It kind of felt like i was there. It created imagery to me. I liked how you said you weren't socially active and felt very lazy after playing i thought it was kind of funny.

After playing Guitar Hero and Call of Duty you realized that it did not really help you, you just got a kick out of playing the game. It did not do anything for you. In addition you actually causing yourself to pay more money and you got overly excited. Playing/Doing digital things you isolated the rest of your house when you could have been doing chores or something to actually productive but instead you were wired to the Xbox.

I can relate to you on this which is one of the reason i liked this post. When I'm at home and i got on my Internet on AIM i get so addicted to it and cannot sign off and i do not know why. Its something that is grabbing you mentally but not physically. Its kind of like the Feed. Just like you feel you do not accomplish anything from it either to I which disappoints myself nobody else. I could be busy doing other things that are worth my time.

Next you might just read your work over for spelling mistakes. Also tell me how does this connect to other things beside yourself but with the outside world.

This makes me think twice about digital media and question should i do it or not. There like a devil on one of my shoulders and an angel on the other. We the people do not realize how digital media is alike a black hole sucking all in it. Will it always be like this?

I enjoyed reading your post. It was funny and interesting. Can't wait to read more! =-)

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