Saturday, October 3, 2009


In the article what i found interesting was how some studies show that excitement of video games causes the brain to release a chemical is addictive. A doctor by the name of Charles said that video games are "compelling with increasing complexity so the child becomes more facil, yet wants to know more about and apply new skills. Another thing i found interesting was that a professor of Computer Science thinks video games give children the chance for puzzle solving, strategic and critical thinking. I enjoyed reading this article.

After reading this i agree with the Professor from Computer Science because not all video games are killing people and just doing stupid things, some video games can help you problem solve and actually make you smarter. I never knew that excitement of video games can cause a chemical to be addictive. I think that if a child has a equal balance of everything such as reading, hanging out, being active, video games would not be so addicted to them.

In the article they said that teens are becoming overly obsessed with cellphones. More than 225 million people carrying cellphones in the U.S in 2007,up from 34 million in 2005, and nearly two-thirds of teens owning their own cellphones. Many teens spend an average of an hour a day of cellphones not including emailing, Ming, face book,etc. In Spain, 2 kids ages (12-13) were sent to a mental hospital for cellphone addiction. They also said in China that they found a study that almost one-third of H.S students had signs of addictions.

When i read this i was like WOW i did not think cellphones were really that addicting that you have to go to a mental hospital. I never realize how severe this can get. I also notice that they only mentioned teens who were addicted not any adults. Overall i thought it was an interesting article to read. I do not think i would get overly addicted or at least try not to be.

Even though it article sounds bias. I liked how they said television has a curious quality. While you are watching television you are bored yet attentive. Also even though what you are watching is not interesting you continue to watch it no matter what. The writer said that t.v has a hypnotic-addictive quality,the attention is held thorough explotation and perevsion a surival instinct.

Out of all the articles i read i liked this one the best, it really caught my interest. I like how it showed different example on why television can be addicting. I think when they say that sometimes the t.v shows can be boring but we still watch it is so true because it happens to me all the time. My eyes are just focusing on the television and listening to every word. I feel like my ideas were just like te writer because he/she focuses on the t.v and not is aware of everything else that is going on which is true.

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