Monday, November 30, 2009

"Cool" Interviews

Q: Why do you think your "cool"?
A: "I think I'm cool because of my style and personality. Because of my personality i am popular and that also helps me with my "coolness."

Q:What is it about your "look" that makes you cool?
A: "My sneakers definitely helps my coolness because i have sneakers that many people don't have because they are exclusive. So i definitely think my sneakers help my coolness."


Q: What about you makes you "cool"?

A: "My funniness and i can laugh at myself."
Q:Do you think your looks make you "cool"?

A: "I think the way someone carries themselves like the other way people gravitate towards them."
Q: On a scale of one to ten, where in "cool" do you fall in?

A: "8 because 10 is too high and 1 is too low. I have a lot of friends (popular).


Q: On a scale of 1-10, how cool are you?

A: 9 because i could stand alone and be by myself. Be my own person. I am a trendsetter.

Q: What is your initial thought when you think of the word "cool"?

A: I think of the world being perfect, cartoons, good hair, good weight, good clothes, and athletics.

Q: Would you like to be cooler?

A: Uhmm no, in movies people really like the cool person but their something their not. Not meeting the true them. You know what I'm saying.

Monday, November 23, 2009


Hey Steph,
i thought your short story was funny and interesting. I think the message you were conveying about being cool is to stay in class and get an education in order to do something you have passion for such as basketball. Also that getting good grades is good but it seems in your story that the character does not do that at all. Overall your story was good and i hope to read more of them.

Heyyy Norra,
Your story was good. It reminds me of me when i first went to middle school and making new friends. The character thought that being able to make friends that can be a meaning to be cool or even a start. I agree with Ean about you going into detail about the two different towns and schools. =)

I thought your short story was cool. I like how you talked about the defintion of being cool is being an indivdiual. Charlie kind of reminds me of myself because i don't follow anyone i tend to do my own thing. Overall i agree with steph it was creative and hopefully read more of your stories. =)

I really liked your story. I liked how you explained how the main character wanted to more of an individual and keep to herself instead of being the popular one which i believe was the "cool" part. It showed the two different cools, the appearance of cool and the cool within you. Great Story! =)

Hi Sarah,Your story was cool. It seems your character was being who she was which is waht you consider "cool". I agree that being yourself is cool and whoever does not like it screw them. Your character is cool and the other kids in the class think so too which makes her even cooler! =)

From the stories i read, lots of people were a teenager and going to a new school or High School and talking about fitting in and trying to get the approvals of others. Some of them is just appearance cool and just have a mask on. Most of the stories i read people were more individuals and rather just be themselves and not care what others think which is a symbol of "cool".

I believe that to most of students short stories cool is not being popular or getting fresh or anything its more just following your own instinct and being a leader. Instead of following those who wanna be "cool". For example, in Sarah's story and Francesa's story the main characters decided to do themselves and forgot what others thought which was "cool".

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Short Story

It was the first day of school when she walked through the door. She had long curly brown hair and hazel eyes. She was so stunning. She had on dark skinny jeans with a vintage shirt and these awesome pair of cowboy boots tucked in. All Susie could repeat is "she is so cool". It was that moment that Susie wanted to be her her friend and just as cool as her. Her name was Giselle just like the model. "Class i would like to introduce Giselle who moved all the way from New York" said the teacher. Ms. Aren assigned her to see right next, i was scared of what she would think me and this small town. All i could do was keep my head low and keep as little as no eye contact towards her.

Thats when she said "hi my name is Giselle whats your name? My name is Susie Wow thats a nice name." In the back of my mind i was surprised by what she said. "Really? thanks. Your welcome" she said. "So class can anybody tell me the answer for number 15?" asked the teacher. Giselle raises her hand with excitment and a tiffany's braclet hanging from her wrist "the answer is 5x=3.14... Very good Giselle" All i could do was raise my head lower and not pay attention at all. "Brriingg!!!" the bell rang and i jumped out my seat and quickly left for lunch i felt so uncool sitting next to Giselle.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Hw 23 1st Constructivist Exploration of Cool

I think that being cool is very controversal. For example, if someone who does not go to school and just hangs out on a corner hanging out people may consider that cool. Or if someone is really smart and they going to college with a scholarship other people may consider that cool. A person i consider cool is someone who stands out and is their own person not following others which in that case other people want to mimick and be cool themselves. Aspects of being cool i think is being charmatic, well-rounded, and it well-known by others.

There are the smart "cools", rebel "cools", sporty "cools". Like in highschool, there are different cliques and each person in that group think their clique is "cool" because they are "different". When i think of the word cool i think of celebrities because they are famous, well-known, and people want to be them. Whatever celebrities are wearing, people who not famous want to wear it because they think they will be considered cool.

In today's society, people who are considered cool are people who are can afford things that are expensive and who are to update with latest fashion. People use the terms like "being fresh". If you are not "fresh" then you are not cool. It kind of relates to Feed a little on some level because they were listening to the Feed telling them to buy the latest trends and they were addicted to them.

I feel the word "cool" can be anything you want it to be not just what people assume or what it should be. I think i am a cool person, i dont consider myself higher than anybody else. I think when people are trying to be cool are being fake because they just want to fit in. In class, people who says "like i do not care" other people might think be like "ohh they are so cool because they do not care" but that is not the case all the time.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Art Project 1


Thats all i hear
From one to another
Ear to Ear
Edgy and Bright
Is what attracts me
Getting to see all these
Digital things
Scroll up-Scroll down
Click Here!
Jump into the screen
Makes the world go round
Be lazy, Be Free
Be anything you wanna SEE!

I think that my art is hammer because its the one that is molding the person to do something. My art is talking about a computer/computer screen and i am saying that it engages you to do things that make your mind go somewhere else that is why i say it is a hammer. Its breaking you to go here and go there and clicking everywhere! After reading my poem i thought it was kind of interesting and im not just saying that because its my own work. I think most people who use their laptops or computers would understand and feel like this when they are using them. Making this poem actually took me a while. I really had to think about and put all my thoughts together.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Final Paper


In today's world people lives consist of their ipods, cellphones, and laptops, that is most people's main priority. People are absorbed by the technology around them because they are not themselves anymore such as when people were doing their video projects and they alienate themselves causing them to be lifeless monsters. In today's society people are addicted to digital media and obsessed with latest technology just as they do in the book Feed. Society are using digital devices which allows us to become socially challenged and give us an excuse to be lazy which relates to the movie Wall-E. Overall the digital world has a big impact on life today and affects us significantly. Digitization causes people to alienate themselves from the outside world (real world),become addicted to their devices and develop lazy behavior (unhealthy lifestyles) which negatively impacts their lives of digital uses.

Argument 1:

Digital media causes people to leave the real world and enter a place where they become motionless/new person. It causes a person to not know what is going around just what is right in front of the world. The video project that we have done in the past had caused us to be like zombies and we did not realize what the digital things were doing to us such as being so focused on a computer screen or listening to their music etc. Looking at the videos, you see people become so hypnotized by their screens and they switch their minds to different modes which make them to alienate themselves from other things such as errands, work you seem to forget the real world. In Stephanie's thoughts on her video project she said "After watching my video i looked like i wasn't really there...i was to into the game like moving the control from side to side when in reality that has no effect...They should be played in moderation."Matthew also said "when I saw my video, I thought that I looked really entertained. I was on the computer, my phone, and my ipod at the same time. I do this everyday when I get home so it felt natural to me" this shows that digital devices allow people to close out the world, they get so sucked in the image of this digital thing that people become this like digital person within not even who they are. Its as if they have split personalities. People are possessed by the screen having not ate for 2 hours and not sleeping for a whole day. If people allow themselves to stare at a screen for hours, slouching, hair all messed up that is not good for them.There is much disembodiment going on when people are using digital devices. Their body is there physically but the state of mind is on the screen.

Argument 2:

Society today has become overly addicted to their digital devices. The book Feed relates to the lifestyle as the digital media today because the story is based on us. Just as teens are listening to their "feeds" and always trying to buy the newest technology. Its kind of like we have a feed ourselves except its in television, cellphones, and other digital devices which we become overly obsessed with. Feed, i believe is a parable of modern teenage life. We do not really think for ourselves and are socially lazy with everything we do. Titus and the other characters in the book besides Violet are addicted to what their Feed tell them to do because they rely on it and use it as a communication for everything just as we do today. Titus looks into his Feed and becomes distant from the world because he watches television in his head, his relationships with his friends and family are nothing more than a digital connection that does carries no emotions. In one part of the book Titus says "I was currently disconnected from feed net, of course and i was starting to get scared...I missed the Feed. I don't know when they first had feeds. Before that they used their hands and eyes. Computers were all outside of them, in their hands, like if you carried your lungs in a briefcase and opened it to breathe." Once Titus's Feed was hacked and he did not what to do with himself he was so used to the Feed and addicted to it. Its as if he lost his whole life. He forgot to live real life and how to feel real things, everything that natural for him is actually fake. Its as if he believes something that is not there, he became so brainwashed. People are under control of the Feed and are not allowed to think for themselves.

Argument 3:

Using these new digital devices it allows us to become socially challenged and give us an excuse to be lazy. People were so disfigured by the technology that when they were left alone they did not know how to find themselves which cause them to have a unhealthy lifestyle. In the movie Wall-E, Wall-E had entered some sort of spaceship where all these people were attached in a chair busy watching a digital screen he accidentally bumped into a lady causing the digital screen to dis attach and turn it off. When this happened the lady was in shock and did not realize her surroundings. She seemed brainwashed, she did not know there was a pool in the premise. She was so distracted by the digital stuff. Previous from that Wall-E had knocked down a man and he was so over weighted he could not get up. The technology was leading them to a harmful habits in life. The robots and the chairs took care of their every need having them not do anything causing them to gain weight. The people have become so depended on them it makes them less worry about other things and focus on themselves. They closed out the rest of the world and care about what is happening in front of them. Its unhealthy for them to sit there and nothing using no physical activity or exercise. In a source that i read said "i work 10 hours a day on a computer which made my health and also isolated me from other people in my job which caused mental health issues too." Sitting around all day on a computer screen or using digital devices doing nothing productive rises health issues mentally and physically. Another source i read that was written on Kaboodle website a person put up a post saying the following: "I decided to post obesity among children because I noticed that one of the common problems of children today is becoming overweight. Maybe because of today’s generation, modern technology including Internet gaming can be one factor that cause obesity. I observed that children are lack of physical activities such as exercise, running, jogging, playing outside, and involve in sports, they become addicted in Internet gaming." Just like in the movie Wall-E, in modern day today people are becoming excessively overweight being attracted to the Feed of the Internet and video gaming and do not realize they are jepodarizng their own health. This also brainwashes the people and kind of shows they do not know what they are actually doing to their lives.


Digital technology is kind of like brain damage. It sucks everything out of you and insert all these digital thoughts in your head. Cellphones, ipods, computers, are brainwashing materials that consent us to leading unhealthy lives and pull us down. Digitization i believe is also like a cover-up to cover all the blemishes like when we go on computers and become this whole motionless person. We allow ourselves to isolate each other causing us to be addicted leading yourselves to technical difficulties with our bodies physically and mentally.

Opposing Views

Even though the digital world has a lot of bad things about it, it also has some good thing about it too. It allows you to keep in contact with close family/friends which is a great use. Also its a faster way to do things such as checking the weather or looking up things you need instead of other things that take too long. Digital devices allow you to think about things you never thought about before. A quote that Andy wrote on the board is a positive aspect on the digital world is that "the constant improvement of digital technology has helped the economy while simultaneously reducing resource consumption and social communication in our age has lessened loneliness and helped people live happier lives." Things like love dating websites and websites where you can interact with people and show them your true identity without actually meeting them and with dating websites you can find someone you are compatible with with a simple survey instead of blind dates.


This connects to everything bad is good for you because the author says that the digital world allows you to open up to things you never thought of but other people believe it is bad because reading came first. Is it possible that if digital came first and reading came second would people feel the same way or would they think digital devices are better. This also connects to the book Feed, Wall-E, and the video experiment that was done which was already mentioned in my arguments. All three of these texts showed how digitization creates isolation leading to addiction causing you to get bad health issues.


Digitization is significant because it allows you to think about how it helps you and affects you in many ways. Its kind of like a new millennium. Its important how digitization can be made into one thing and transformed to multiple things affecting society and the world good and bad. Its significant in a way that others use it for useful things while others abuse it. I think that its important how we get to see how digitization can be really bad for you and branch out to so many things but then at the same time its good for you and can allow you to open your eyes to bigger ideas and learn more.

Work cited

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Big Paper Revised

In today's world people lives consist of their ipods, cellphones, and laptops, that is most people's main prority. People are absorbed by the technology around them because they are not themselves anymore such as when people were doing their video projects and they alienate themselves causing them to be lifeless monsters. In today's society people are addicted to digital media and obsessed with latest technology just as they do in the book Feed. Society are using digital devices which allows us to become socially challenged and give us an excuse to be lazy which relates to the movie Wall-E. Overall the digital world has a big impact on life today and affects us significantly. Digitalization causes people to alienate themselves from the outside world (real world),become addicted to their devices and develop lazy behavior (unhealthy lifestyles) which negativetly impacts their lives of digital uses.

Digital media causes people to leave the real world and enter a place where they become motionless/new person. It causes a person to not know what is going around just what is right in front of the world. The video project that we have done in the past had caused us to be like zombies and we did not realize what the digital things were doing to us such as being so focused on a computer screen or listening to their music etc. Looking at the videos, you see people become so hypnotized by their screens and they switch their minds to different modes which make them to alienate themselves from other things such as errands, work you seem to forget the real world. In Steph's thoughts on her video project she said "After watching my video i looked like i wasn't really there...i was to into the game like moving the control from side to side when in reality that has no effect...They should be played in moderation."Matthew also said "when I saw my video, I thought that I looked really entertained. I was on the computer, my phone, and my ipod at the same time. I do this everyday when I get home so it felt natural to me" this shows that digital devices allow people to close out the world, they get so sucked in the image of this digital thing that people become this like digital person within not even who they are. Its as if they have split personalities. People are possessed by the screen having not ate for 2 hours and not sleeping for a whole day. If people allow themselve to stare at a screen for hours, slouching, hair all messed up that is not good for them.There is much disemobiment going on when people are using digital devices. Their body is there physically but the state of mind is on the screen.

Society today has become overly addicted to their digital devices. The book Feed relates to the lifestyle as the digital media today because the story is based on us. Just as teens are listening to their "feeds" and always trying to buy the newest technology. Its kind of like we have a feed ourselves except its in television, cellphones, and other digital devices which we become overly obsessed with. Feed, i believe is a parable of modern teenage life. We do not really think for ourselves and are socially lazy with everything we do. Titus and the other characters in the book besides Violet are addicted to what their Feed tell them to do because they rely on it and use it as a communication for everything just as we do today. Titus looks into his Feed and becomes distant from the world because he watches television in his head, his relationships with his friends and family are nothing more than a digital connection that does carries no emotions. In one part of the book Titus says "I was currently disconnected from feednet, of course and i was starting to get scared...I missed the Feed. I don't know when they first had feeds. Before that they used their hands and eyes. Computers were all outside of them, in their hands, like if you carried your lungs in a briefcase and opened it to breathe." Once Titus's Feed was hacked and he did not what to do with himself he was so used to the Feed and addicted to it. Its as if he lost his whole life. He forgot to live real life and how to feel real things, everything that natural for him is actually fake. Its as if he believes something that is not there, he became so brainwashed. People are under control of the Feed and are not allowed to think for themselves.

Using these new digital devices it allows us to become socially challenged and give us an excuse to be lazy. People were so disfigured by the technology that when they were left alone they did not know how to find themselves which cause them to have a unhealthy lifestyle. In the movie Wall-E, Wall-E had entered some sort of spaceship where all these people were attached in a chair busy watching a digital screen he accidentally bumped into a lady causing the digital screen to dis attach and turn it off. When this happened the lady was in shock and did not realize her surroundings. She seemed brainwashed, she did not know there was a pool in the premise. She was so distracted by the digital stuff. Previous from that Wall-E had knocked down a man and he was so over weighted he could not get up. The technology was leading them to a harmful habits in life. The robots and the chairs took care of their every need having them not do anything causing them to gain weight. The people have become so depended on them it makes them less worry about other things and focus on themselves. They closed out the rest of the world and care about what is happening in front of them. Its unhealthy for them to sit there and nothing using no physical activity or exercise. In a source that i read said "i work 10 hours a day on a computer which made my health and also isolated me from other people in my job which caused mental health issues too." Sitting around all day ona computer screen or using digital devices doing nothing productive rises health issues mentally and physically. Another source i read that was written on Kaboodle website a person put up a post saying the following: "I decided to post obesity among children because I noticed that one of the common problems of children today is becoming overweight. Maybe because of today’s generation, modern technology including internet gaming can be one factor that cause obesity. I observed that children are lack of physical activities such as exercise, running, jogging, playing outside, and involve in sports, they become addicted in internet gaming." Just like in the movie Wall-E, in modern day today people are becoming excessively overweight being attracted to the Feed of the internet and videogaming and do not realize they are jepodarizng their own health. This also brainwashes the people and kind of shows they do not know what they are actually doing to their lives.

Digital technology is kind of like brain damage. It sucks everything out of you and insert all these digital thoughts in your head. Cellphones, ipods, computers, are brainwashing materials that consent us to leading uhealthy lives and pull us down. Digitalization i believe is also like a cover-up to cover all the blemishes like when we go on computers and become this whole motionless person. We allow ourselves to isolate each other causin us to be addicted leading yourselves to technical diffculties with our bodies physically and mentally.

Opposing Views

Even though the digital world has a lot of bad things about it, it also has some good thing about it too. It allows you to keep in contact with close family/friends which is a great use. Also its a faster way to do things such as checking the weather or looking up things you need instead of other things that take too long. Digital devices allow you to think about things you never thought about before. A quote that Andy wrote on the board is a positive aspect on the digital world is that "the constant improvement of digital technology has helped the economy while simultaneously reducing resource consumption and social communication in our age has lessened loneliness and helped people live happier lives." Things like love dating websites and websites where you can interact with people and show them your true identity without actually meeting them and with dating websites you can find someone you are compatible with with a simple survey instead of blind dates.


This connects to everything bad is good for you because the author says that the digital world allows you to open up to things you never thought of but other people believe it is bad because reading came first. Is it possible that if digital came first and reading came second would people feel the same way or would they think digital devices are better. This also connects to the book Feed, Wall-E, and the video experiment that was done which was already mentioned in my arguments. All three of these texts showed how digitalization creates isolation leading to addiction causing you to get bad health issues.


Digitalization is significant because it allows you to think about how it helps you and affects you in many ways. Its kind of like a new millennium. Its important how digitalization can be made into one thing and transformed to multiple things affecting society and the world good and bad. Its significant in a way that others use it for useful things while others abuse it. I think that its important how we get to see how digitalization can be really bad for you and branch out to so many things but then at the same time its good for you and can allow you to open your eyes to bigger ideas and learn more.

Work cited
Video Project

Comments on Steph's and Matt's rough draft


I think your arguments are godd especially how you said it gives social challenging and brainwashing i agree with you. I think that you should include quotes like search in google or you can use quotes that we did in class to support your thesis and arguments. Also include your opposing views and conclusion. Other than that you did a good job! =))


I think for a rough draft you did a good job. I liked the how you said people in today's society eat,breathe,drink technhology and we revolve around it. You aslo included quotes from a person you met on the street which was good. You should include a signifciance part in your paper and a opposing view. By the way what is your EQ? Great first draft =)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Rough Draft

Digitalization causes people to alienate(brainwashing) themselves from the outside world creating addiction and fostering unhealthy lifestyles. People are absorbed by the technology around them because they are not themselves anymore such as when people were doing their video projects and they alienate themselves causing them to be lifeless monsters. In today's society people are addicted to digital media and obsessed with latest technology just as they do in the book Feed. Society are using digital devices which allows us to become socially challenged and give us an excuse to be lazy which relates to the movie Wall-E. Overall the digital world has a big impact on life today and affects us significantly.

Digital media causes people to leave the real world and enter a place where they become motionless/new person. It causes a person to not know what is going around just what is right in front of the world. The video project that we have done in the past had caused us to be like zombies and we did not realize what the digital things were doing to us such as being so focused on a computer screen or listening to their music etc. Looking at the videos, you see people become so hypnotized by their screens and they switch their minds to different modes which make them to alienate themselves from other things such as errands, work you seem to forget the real world. People are possessed by the screen having not ate for 2 hours and not sleeping for a whole day its as if they leave their body physically and travel to the computer screen causing disembodiment.

Society today has become overly addicted to their digital devices. The book Feed relates to the lifestyle as the digital media today because the story is based on us. Just as teens are listening to their "feeds" and always trying to buy the newest technology. Its kind of like we have a feed ourselves except its in television, cellphones, and other digital devices which we become overly obsessed with. Feed, i believe is a parable of modern teenage life. We do not really think for ourselves and are socially lazy with everything we do. Titus and the other characters in the book besides Violet are addicted to what their Feed tell them to do because they rely on it and use it as a communication for everything just as we do today. Titus looks into his Feed and becomes distant from the world because he watches television in his head, his relationships with his friends and family are nothing more than a digital connection that does carries no emotions. Once Titus's Feed was hacked and he did not what to do with himself he was so used to the Feed
and addicted to it. Its as if he lost his whole life. People are under control of the Feed and are not allowed to think for themselves.

Using these new digital devices it allows us to become socially challenged and give us an excuse to be lazy. People were so disfigured by the technology that when they were left alone they did not know how to find themselves which cause them to have a unhealthy lifestyle. In the movie Wall-E, Wall-E had entered some sort of spaceship where all these people were attached in a chair busy watching a digital screen he accidentally bumped into a lady causing the digital screen to dis attach and turn it off. When this happened the lady was in shock and did not realize her surroundings. She seemed brainwashed, she did not know there was a pool in the premise. She was so distracted by the digital stuff. Previous from that Wall-E had knocked down a man and he was so over weighted he could not get up. The technology was leading them to a harmful habits in life. The robots and the chairs took care of their every need having them not do anything causing them to gain weight. The people have become so depended on them it makes them less worry about other things and focus on themselves. They closed out the rest of the world and care about what is happening in front of them. Its unhealthy for them to sit there and nothing using no physical activity or exec rise.

Digital technology is kind of like brain damaging. It sucks everything out of you and insert all these digital thoughts in your head.

Opposing Views

Even though the digital world has a lot of bad things about it, it also has some good thing about it too. It allows you to keep in contact with close family/friends which is a great use. Also its a faster way to do things such as checking the weather or looking up things you need instead of other things that take too long. Digital devices allow you to think about things you never thought about before. A quote that Andy wrote on the board is a positive aspect on the digital world is that "the constant improvement of digital technology has helped the economy while simultaneously reducing resource consumption and social communication in our age has lessened loneliness and helped people live happier lives." Things like love dating websites and websites where you can interact with people and show them your true identity without actually meeting them and with dating websites you can find someone you are compatible with with a simple survey instead of blind dates.


This connects to everything bad is good for you because the author says that the digital world allows you to open up to things you never thought of but other people believe it is bad because reading came first. Is it possible that if digital came first and reading came second would people feel the same way or would they think digital devices are better.


Digitalization is significant because it allows you to think about how it helps you and affects you in many ways. Its kind of like a new millennium. Its important how digitalization can be made into one thing and transformed to multiple things affecting society and the world good and bad. Its significant in a way that others use it for useful things while to her abuse it.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Stephanie's Outline

I think your outline is good so far. Your thesis i enjoyed because i have the same ideas and how you talked about people being socially challenged. I think you shoud talk more about the movie Wall-E and what happened exactly. I agree with Matt that you have good arguments and you
have potential for a great paper. =)

Matthew's Outline

I thought your outline was well put out and on point. You were very specific on your arguments and elaborated well. I thought your thesis was simple and staight to the point which is good. For your rough draft you might want to use useful sources in class that we use especially Feed for your argument.


Thesis: Digitization causes people to alienate(brainwashing) themselves from the outside world creating addiction and fostering unhealthy lifestyles.

Argument 1: People are absorbed by the technology around them because they are not themselves anymore.

Argument 2:  Digital media causes people to leave the real world and enter a place where they become motionless and become a new person.

Argument 3: Using these new digital devices it allows us to become socially challenged and give us an excuse to be lazy.

Evidence#1: Feed
  • People are under control of the Feed and are no allowed to think for themselves.
Evidence#2: Wall-E
  • People were so disfigured by the technology that when they were left alone they did not know how to fend themselves which cause them to have an unhealthy lifestyle.
Evidence#3: Video Project
  • People were alienate themselves and did not know what they were doing causing them to be zombies.