Monday, November 16, 2009

Hw 23 1st Constructivist Exploration of Cool

I think that being cool is very controversal. For example, if someone who does not go to school and just hangs out on a corner hanging out people may consider that cool. Or if someone is really smart and they going to college with a scholarship other people may consider that cool. A person i consider cool is someone who stands out and is their own person not following others which in that case other people want to mimick and be cool themselves. Aspects of being cool i think is being charmatic, well-rounded, and it well-known by others.

There are the smart "cools", rebel "cools", sporty "cools". Like in highschool, there are different cliques and each person in that group think their clique is "cool" because they are "different". When i think of the word cool i think of celebrities because they are famous, well-known, and people want to be them. Whatever celebrities are wearing, people who not famous want to wear it because they think they will be considered cool.

In today's society, people who are considered cool are people who are can afford things that are expensive and who are to update with latest fashion. People use the terms like "being fresh". If you are not "fresh" then you are not cool. It kind of relates to Feed a little on some level because they were listening to the Feed telling them to buy the latest trends and they were addicted to them.

I feel the word "cool" can be anything you want it to be not just what people assume or what it should be. I think i am a cool person, i dont consider myself higher than anybody else. I think when people are trying to be cool are being fake because they just want to fit in. In class, people who says "like i do not care" other people might think be like "ohh they are so cool because they do not care" but that is not the case all the time.

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