Friday, May 7, 2010

Hw#53-Survey Analysis

While taking the survey it made me think a lot about myself and the people around me. Looking at the questions and reading them made me think further ahead about what my life consist of and where im going. The questions about family made me think more deeply than anything because family is a big thing to me and then finally answering those questions was just like "wow" and answering honestly. One question that struck me was the sucicide question because never in my life did i ever thought about ending my life. I kind of enjoyerd taking the survey even the personal questions. I feel like the survey itself made me think about life more such as family, friends, and love and how these different things affect us. For the short answer questions, i did not really hesitaite i feel like it was straight forward for me while some other questions you really had to stop and think about what to right or how your are really feeling. Its hard for someone to just lay their thoughts all right there.

Looking at the results for the survey i found some of the results kind of shocking and interesting. When i saw the percent of friends come before family and it had 2% i thought that was shocking because i feel no matter what family is always first. Another result that shocked me was i'm happy by myself because its a pretty high percent and usually people feel they need other people to be happy not by themselves. I feel like i am similar to most of the other students who took the survey and that the majority of the class had similar answers to myself. I feel like sometimes we just look at the big numbers and do not pay attention to the small numbers which counts as well like the question i cry once a week. How is that 7.7% of kids cry once a week that kind of weird and interesting.

Looking at all three survey i feel they are similar at the same time different. Unlike the other two our survey was not that many people but like for the drugs, and sex part i feel the percentage were simliar. One part that stuck out to me was looking at the YRBSS survey and how the percentage of obesity and dietary was high for females and as high for males. It seems females are more self-consicious about theor body than males were. I feel like overall you do not know really if all this is true because people may lie or the question may not be questioned correctly so it not so accurate. In the survey for our section we had more of an varieties unlike the others who had to answer straight yes or no answers which is also not fair. I also feel like people of color were targeted for most of them.

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