Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hw#58-Parenting 102

When our first speaker, the security guard, came in and she said that decided to breastfeed and she felt like she had that bond between a mother and child. She would have little connections with the baby while looking at him. I thought that that was interesting and it's something that the alot of books say are good for a child. She mentioned that most of the books she read on parenting really did not help and said that not all kids are the same which is true because each child has kind of their own "manual". What stood out to me was how she said that she also recieves help from her mother and grandma showing he has more than one female figure in his life that can take of him and love him. In addition, she said she doesn't want to raise her child in a place like New York City because of the infulences around here but rather in a place like Florida because the way it is strutured which i to a certain extend agree with that.

When the second speaker came i thought that he was very intriguting. When he talked about coming from a tight Catholic puerto rican family and being who he is today i thought that was cool. As far as him being a parent i think that it is nice how he uses his skills in a classroom as a teacher and uses it at home with his daughter. He also mentioned that parenting comes naturally and i agree with that i think that taking care of a child is not all about books but how you nuture the child as well. He said that lots of older people when they see his partner and him with their baby they don't discrminate they actually applaud them and i thought that was shocking at the same time nice.

After listening to this two speakers it made me think a lot about my future parenting skills and what choices i would be making. When i do decide to have a child i will use the same skills my mother used on me just like generations passed on. The skills and knowledge she has used on me has made a "good" person and see the good and bad things in life. I feel like with each generation you learn each time and know for the future how you are going to raise your child. Lots of times parents say "i don't want you to end up like me because of how i was raised" so they have new expectations and opinions on what they are going to do to make their child better or successful.

Going back to the idea of raising a child in the urban area such as NYC i think if i did have a kid i would raise them in this kind of environment for two reasons. First i have lived in this kind of environment all my life so why change now? Secondly because i think that at some point in their life they are going to come across people who are will try to pressure them into things. Every place is different but they all have the same thing so it's not that its that much different. When i have a child i think that i will also use some type of punishment like hitting them if they don't listen to me because it worked for me as a child and sometimes kids need discipline to show them value of respect.

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