Monday, May 10, 2010


Part #1 :What are the factors that cause a new relationship to end based on human needs for terminology?

Part#2: For Steph's Question:
I agree with Matthew that the question should be how instead of why because you will get specific evidence or more valid points to get good information and be able to answer your question well. Overall i think the question is interesting and keep going. Be specific. :)

For Matt's Question:
I think your question is good and i liked how you elaborated on the second part of the question going in deeper meaning not just who we determine to love. I do not have really any corrections. Good Job!

Why do we have labels and how does it that it affects us to cause relationships to lead to disaster? How is it that new young relationships end based on human terminology is it past experiences or nature insecurities? Is there a way to label and not lose yourself completely?


This article talks about how when kids were younger that kids were forced to pick that one friend who was close to them and label them "bestfriend" which caused fights between kids just by the label. Everybody wants to be cared and loved for. It also said that when woman become involved with someone and get into that lovey dovey stuff they want to label the romantic relationships. I feel that that is true because woman sometimes become attached. "In the past few years, I've come to both love and hate labels. Whether they define relationships, personal acheivements, beliefs, or whatever. I've learned that labels lead to all sorts of expectations and pre-conceived notions. And labels can rob an individual of his/her uniqueness or force a relationship to comply with certain standards." I agree with this because "labels" do tend to lead to things like that and takes away your true colors.


This article is mainly discussing the person's views on labeling relationships and intimacy abundance and giving you insight. I think that the person has valid points on how labeling different relationships cause you to pre-judge. "Social conditioning affects us in two ways. First, we may have a tendency to pre-judge others based on their associated labels. If you know someone is single vs. married, does that change how you relate to the person? The second way social conditioning affects us is through the labels others associate to us." I think that it s true that people who are more consicious that labels do have less impact on them and it goes the same way vice-versa.


This a story about a man who tells a story about this woman and his "relationship". He discusses how she basically wanted to put a label on their relationship but he was feeling the opposite. They obviously were not seeing eye to eye. I think overall if you are relly feeling a person and like them why not consider them your boyfriend or girlfriend? "But this got me thinking about labels: seeing each other, dating, going out, boyfriend, girlfriend, exclusive, a couple, .... just what do they mean." At the same time i think that what he saying is true that what does these relationships really mean and why does it have such an affect on us. Its one of those things that you feel if you put a label on it or something that it always turns out for the worse.


The author of this column i think leads more on the term of labeling just to save yourself for the future drama that awaits you. She saying that you should not rush into things and rather just take them slowly. "It's a lot harder to get out of being called "boyfriend" or "girlfriend" than it is to get into it. And it's not just about being "exclusive;" when you put labels on a relationship with any other person, it becomes more difficult to make individual decisions. I'm not judging if you need the title. I'm just saying you should think about it first -- will your relationship really change with someone for the better simply because you both decide you're "in a relationship"? Probably not. " I agree that its hard to get out of that naming type, thats why its just good to over think things instead of rushing.

1 comment:

  1. i think your question is good but maybe you want to focus on one certain aspect of a relationship such as how do insecurities make a relationship end or another aspect that your interested in (ex's, trust, past experiences e.c.t.)
