Monday, May 17, 2010

Hw#57-Parenting 101

I think that parents should be strict at times with their children and be stern with them because if you let your child just do whatever they want they will not respect you as an adult furthermore a parent which just causes more conflict. Parents should make sure that their kids doing what they have to do and are discipline. Without discipline then the child will be all over the place. At the same time the parents should let the child have a freedom and do things they like. I feel like it's 50/50 if give what you get. Also i think that if your child is misbehaving you should hit them because sometimes it works but not to the extreme where it abuse. Sometimes you have to show the child who has the upper hand and who they have to respect. In order to give respect you have to earn it.

The best parts of how i was parented was that my mom gave me a lot of discipline at the same time allowed me to do things that i wanted to do which gave me the best of both worlds. Even though my mom is strict at times with me, it has helped me with me now especially with school because i am a very independent person and i don't need someone on my back all the time. I think that if my mom did not parent me the way she did, i would probably be doing bad in school and not having my priorities straight. I would probably be a mess. The parenting my mother did has molded me in a intelligent young woman and i know that later on i will use the same skills she did on my future children.

I think babies should not be treated like puppies but not like adults either because they are so young. They don't know exactly what they are doing, they brain is not functioning correctly. As the baby grows older, they should get treated more like an adult because in the real world you don't get treated like a baby so they should learn from a young age. Like babies tend to get what they want and they are "suppose to win" because they are going to get upset but that is not like that when they grow up. So i lean more towards babies should be treated like adults. In reality, people do not get treated like puppies. I think that parenting is a thing that comes naturally and things that you learn from others. There is not really a manual that can teach you how to "take care of YOUR child". As your child grows so do you and you learn new things on the way. In my family didn't look in books to find out how to care for their children. I feel like my family in general just knows how to care because in my cultural its the kind of environment that we "stay together and care for one another" especially after generations and generations of reproduction.

After reading about the Ferber method i thought that it was an interesting theory. i find it funny how people have these different techniques to help these kids at a young age. I wonder how good this is and if it actually works. Another one i read when parenting backfires, i thought that it was pretty reasonable but most of the time i don't feel that works because the child always wants to take charge so it's better for the parents just dominant over them until they get older to really understand the concept. I agree with the lady that you just have to be the one to say how it is.

Reading about the attaching parenting i thought it was interesting how each thing a baby does is broken down and means a different thing because i didn't really know that but at the same time it don't believe that it's 100% true because how do they know that exactly. "Breastmilk contains unique brain-building nutrients that cannot be manufactured or bought" i thought that was kind of funny like can breastmilk really do that? I just think that all these theories are very interesting and i was wondering if these people who made them up actually have kids.

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