Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hw#56 Interviews and Survey Question


What is your opinion on marriage?

Uhmmm if you really in love marriage is the way to go, but marriage is a ery important step in a couples life. Think it over and make sure it is for you.

Do you think marriage is overrated why or why not?

I think marriage can be overrated depending on who the couple is and how the couple presents themselves while their married.

Do you think marriage has changed over the years? Why or why not?

Yeah, i think marraige has. I think before it was a way to show a couple's love for one another, now i think it is just something couple's do to keep their families together.


What is the valid reason you think people get married?

To feel like it is really official

Do you think marriage has evoloved over the years? If so, why?

Yeah. I feel like before it meant something and now people just do it for no reason, like just because you love one another, they feel obligated to marry.

When should people get married?

When they feel that they're both stable emotionally and economically as well.

My Mom (Jenny)

Do you think marriage has changed over the years?

Yes because now relationships the women work more and the responsiblities have to be 50/50 and men often cannot multi-task as much as women can.

Do you think marriage is overrated?

At times because religion/church made marriage to be a certain way. Society today people are making their own marriage in their own way.

Was your marriage different from the first? If so, how?

Of course, it's different for me at 20 i had a kid, most kids are starting college. The second time i was more mature and had goals. I already experienced having a child, had a career and different life.

After doing the interviews i thought that each person that i asked how has marriage changed over the years they each had a valid point. I think that its interesting how people do get married and stay in relatioship to keep families together and how marriage is not the traditional Catholic Church that everybody is making their own movement to things especially in how they want to get married. I feel like we find more people getting divorced than we see getting married. Also that it does not mean the same thing anymore kind of like a new trend.

*Do you think marriage is a lead to success or leading to disaster?

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